Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge - Rift Valley, Kenya

For those looking for a slightly different tour, which takes in the stunning views of Mount Kenya, featuring Ol Pejeta Conservancy, the glorious and world-renowned Masai Mara Reserve and the freshwater Lake Naivasha, this road safari makes the ideal choice. It offers optimum game-viewing options, and the opportunity to view ‘The Big Five’ against a vivid selection of exceptionally varied backdrops.

10 days
9 nights

'Kiboko' means 'Hippo' in Swahili

Showcasing a panoramic north-south selection of Kenya’s most famous national parks in Kenya and crossing into Tanzania’s mighty Serengeti and thereafter descending into the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’, the sensational Ngorongoro Crater. Uniquely varied, this essential travel itinerary also includes stays in both traditional safari lodges and tented camps. End your tour with a game drive in the lovely evergreen Lake Manyara Park.

14 days
13 nights

A budget safari that delivers optimum variety in the minimum time without sacrificing comfort on safari, this road safari features a selection of tried and tested safari lodges. For sights and scenery, it offers the scenic Amboseli set against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro, beautiful Lake Naivasha against the backdrop of the Mount Longonot, the famous Lake Nakuru , and the unrivalled wildlife of the Masai Mara .

8 days
7 nights

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