History of Kenya

A Historic Overview of Kenya
‘Almost certainly our first apelike ancestors emerged in Africa, and few places offer as rich a fossil record as this region'.....Dr Meave Leakey, Head of Palaeontology, The National Museum of Kenya

Kenya offers a wide range of national museums, the National Museum of Kenya being the foremost. Amongst the other historic attractions are the travel museum (The Railway Museum), the National Archives and the Karen Blixen Museum in Nairobi.

Kenya's evolutionary record stretches back some 25 million years to a time when the ancient plateau of Africa was wrenched apart and forced upwards in a series of massive earth movements and volcanic eruptions, which continued for millions of years. Later, the continent split from north to south to form the vast crack of the Great Rift Valley, stretching from Jordan to Mozambique. The newly formed mountains created rain shadows to their east and, as a result, the forests of the lower, hotter sections of the valley floor gradually began to disappear, to be replaced by savannah grasslands, the most recent of all major environmental changes.

With the arrival of the savannah, the apes inhabiting the fringes of the fast-vanishing forests were eventually forced to descend from their arboreal homes and emerge into the glare of the plains, where they learned to hunt and become omnivorous. Over vast stretches of time, these same apes evolved into our earliest ancestor, the hominid ape man, who in turn evolved into Homo erectus and, eventually, into Homo sapiens.

The Cradle of Mankind (6,500,000 BC - 50,000BC)
Known as the ‘Cradle of Mankind', Kenyan history dates back to the dawn of time when Homo erectus, Homo habilis and other species of early mankind roamed the area. The first conclusive signs of human prehistory came in the form of fossils, most of which were found by the Leakey family on the shores of Lake Turkana (Koobi Fora), and in the East African Rift Valley.

Early Settlers (50,000 BC - 500 AD)
From around 50,000 BC onwards, Kenya's early humans lived as ‘hunter-gatherers', learning how to make tools, communicate and use fire (remnant communities remain in the form of the Daholo, Boni, Sanye and Ndorobo). From 2000 BC onwards, the hunter-gatherers were joined by huge numbers of immigrant communities, who travelled to Kenya from all over the African continent. The earliest distinct migration was of Cushitic-speaking people from Ethiopia, then in the first few centuries AD came the Nilotic-speaking ancestors of the present day Kalenjin peoples, and from the west and south came the Bantu speakers, forebears of today's Kikuyu, Gusii, Akamba and Mijikenda peoples.

The Swahili Coast Develops (500 AD -1498)
Arab and Persian migrants started to arrive from 500 AD onwards and the Kenyan coast rapidly developed as a vital trans-Indian Ocean trade link. Trade rapidly expanded into the African interior, where goods were exchanged for ivory and slaves.

The Arrival of Portuguese Rule (1498-1698)
The Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama landed in Malindi in1498, and the Portuguese subsequently ruled the coast for two centuries of economic and religious oppression, building Mombasa's Fort Jesus as their military headquarters in 1593.

Omani Domination (1698-1837)
In 1696 the Omani Sultans challenged Portuguese rule and in 1698 Fort Jesus fell. The Swahili coast then came under the rule of Muscat until 1837 when the Omanis were finally defeated by the British and the Germans.

European Exploration of Kenya (1844-92)
In 1844, two German missionaries, Johann Ludwig Krapf and Johannes Rebmann, became the first Europeans to venture into the Kenyan interior. They were followed by Richard Burton and John Speke; and Dr David Livingstone and Henry Stanley, all of whom came to Kenya in search of the source of the Nile. Joseph Thomson broke into new territory in 1882 and he inspired James Hannington, who discovered Lake Bogoria, and Count Samuel Teleki and Ludwig von Hohnel, who discovered Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana). This era generally marked the beginning of Kenya's safari history and birthed the Kenya safari.

The Partition of East Africa (1856-91)
British interests in East Africa climaxed at the end of the European power struggle known as the ‘Scramble for Africa', and in 1885 construction began on the Mombasa to Uganda railway (completed in 1901), which was dubbed the ‘Lunatic Express' in reference to a satirical poem published in the London magazine ‘Truth', in 1895.

What it will cost no words can express
What is its object no brain can suppose;
Where it will start from no one can guess;
Where it is going to nobody knows;
What is the use of it none can conjecture;
What it will carry there's none can define;
And in spite of George Curzon's superior lecture,
It clearly is naught but a lunatic line.

Henry Labouchere

In 1895 Kenya was proclaimed the British East Africa Protectorate and by 1896 the first British settlers had arrived. Schemes were then introduced allowing landless aristocrats, middle-class adventurers, big-game hunters, ex-servicemen and Afrikaners to buy land at advantageous rates.

Word War 1
By 1916 the Europeans had re-appropriated most of Kenya's farming land and discontent between the settlers and Kenyans began. In 1920 the British East Africa Protectorate became the Kenya Colony . During World War I, one in four of the 200,000 African porters and soldiers conscripted into the King's African Rifles died; those who returned were deeply influenced by the experience. Political associations began to spring up and by 1921 there were numerous protests and rallies calling for an end to colonial rule.

Word War II
During World War II the King's African Rifles fought bravely in Ethiopia and Burma but returned to Kenya to find that while land was being awarded to British soldiers in recognition of their services, it was not being awarded to African soldiers; this considerably deepened the simmering discontent. Postwar African politics stepped up the pressure for independence with the formation of the Kenya African Union, which was headed by Jomo Kenyatta in

The Mau Mau Rebellion
Rising discontent culminated in the largely Kikuyu-led Mau Mau rebellion against British rule. In 1952 the British government declared a state of emergency and thousands of British troops were sent to Kenya. A fierce guerilla war was fought and thousands of Kenyans were detained in concentration camps. The rebellion was finally quashed in 1956 with the capture of Dedan Kimathi, Commander in Chief of the Land and Freedom Army.

Independence 1963
By 1960 the ‘wind of change' had begun to blow through Africa causing Britain to rapidly lose the stomach for colonialism. The conservative government made the decision to pull out of Africa, and preparations for Kenyan independence began. On Madaraka day June 1st 1963, Jomo Kenyatta became Kenya's first prime minister and on December 12th, 1964 Kenya became a republic. From then on, Kenya was viewed internationally as a model of stability and democracy, and with the blossoming of a vibrant tourist industry; the country seemed set for a bright and positive future.

1978 Death of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
In 1978 Mzee Jomo Kenyatta died, much to the surprise of the Kenyan people, who were overtaken by a nationwide outpouring of grief. Kenya's vice president, Daniel Arap Moi, smoothly assumed power and introduced a philosophy called ‘Nyayo' (footsteps), which perpetuated Jomo Kenyatta's vision of ‘Harambee ' (lets all pull together). Essentially a one-party state since 1964, (and officially declared a one-party state in 1987 with the Kenya African National Union KANU as the only party), by the end of the 1980s Kenyans had become disenchanted with one-party rule and demands for multi-party democracy began. It was not until 1991, however, that President Moi acceded to internal and external pressure for political liberalization and agreed for elections to be held in 1992 and 1997, both of which were marred by violence and failed to dislodge the ruling KANU party. In 2002 an opposition coalition called The National Alliance and Rainbow Alliance won a landslide victory over Kanu and President Moi gracefully conceded defeat. Mwai Kibaki was sworn in as president and the National and Rainbow alliances were merged to form the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC). The people were euphoric, there was dancing in the streets and it was thought that a new era in Kenyan politics had dawned. The NARC coalition splintered in 2005 over the constitutional review process. Government defectors joined with KANU to form a new opposition coalition, the Orange Democratic Movement, which defeated the government's draft constitution in a popular referendum in November 2005.

Government and Politics
Kenya is governed under the constitution adopted at independence in 1963, when Jomo Kenyatta became its first Prime Minister. Amendments enacted in 1964 made the country a Republic, with a president and a cabinet. The president is elected for a 5-year term as both the head of state and head of government. Kenya's form of government is based on the British parliamentary model with a national assembly (the legislature) made up of 210 directly elected members plus 12 members who are nominated by the president, and the speaker and attorney general as ex-officio members. Multi-party elections were first staged in 1992. Voters vote separately for a presidential candidate and an MP. The presidential candidate with the most votes nationally (who must also win 25% or more of the vote in at least 5 of Kenya's 7 provinces and one area - to avoid a run-off) is invited to form a government, even if his or her party does not have a majority of MPs. A vice president and a cabinet are appointed, by the president, from members of the national assembly. Kenya is divided into one area (Nairobi) and 7 administrative provinces: Central, Coast, Eastern, North Eastern, Nyanza, Rift Valley, and Western.

Kenya in the 21st century
Economically Kenya has come a long way since Independence. The regional hub for finance, trade and travel in East Africa, she is also the world's top exporter of roses and vies with Sri Lanka to be the world's 2nd largest grower of tea after India. The Kenyan economy, however, remains dominated by exports of agricultural and horticultural products, which earn over 50% of foreign exchange and employ about 75% of the labour force. Economic development also remains dependent on a mix of foreign aid, grants and loans; and is hampered by a population that is four times as large as it was forty years ago; resulting in ever-expanding towns, unwieldy bureaucracy, minimum wage rises that fail to keep up with inflation, and parastatal organizations which remain resistant to change. Income is also poorly distributed; the top 10% of the population earning 48% of the income while half a million school leavers per annum compete for around 70,000 new jobs. As a result it is estimated that half the Kenyan population remains below the poverty line.

Jua kali and ‘self help'
The good news is that despite her problems, Kenya has developed a flourishing informal sector, which is known as the Jua Kali sector. Literally translated ‘Jua Kali' means ‘hot sun', and refers to the roadside artisans who run small businesses such as welding, mechanical work, woodwork or plant nurseries. Another area of healthy economic and social growth is in the so-called ‘self help' sector. Often run by groups of women who get together to knit, sew, weave, bead or carry out other forms of traditional handicrafts, these groups are unique in that they not only generate income but also provide a much-needed social support network for the women involved, who can start small businesses and pay for the education of their children.

Multi-party Democracy - A Rocky Road
Politically the last one and a half decades have seen a dramatic shift from the formal one party state to a multi-party system; this has not, however, been accompanied by any significant improvement in government accountability or rule of law. On the contrary the international reputation the country enjoyed in the 1960s and 1970s has been steadily eroded by repeated instances of corruption and under-investment in infrastructure.

Kenya on the World Stage
Amongst her African neighbours, Kenya is viewed as a stable, peaceable and balanced nation, and she consequently enjoys good neighbourly relations throughout the region. Kenyan leaders regularly act as mediators in Pan-African disputes, and a number of major peace initiatives have been launched and hosted by Kenya, particularly those attempting to broker peace in Sudan and Somalia. Kenya provides shelter to approximately a quarter of a million refugees. Kenya is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the African Union.

Kenya Travel Information

A Historic Overview of Kenya
‘Almost certainly our first apelike ancestors emerged in Africa, and few places offer as rich a fossil record as this region'.....Dr Meave Leakey, Head of Palaeontology, The National Museum of Kenya

Kenya offers a wide range of national museums, the National Museum of Kenya being the foremost. Amongst the other historic attractions are the travel museum (The Railway Museum), the National Archives and the Karen Blixen Museum in Nairobi.

Kenya's evolutionary record stretches back some 25 million years to a time when the ancient plateau of Africa was wrenched apart and forced upwards in a series of massive earth movements and volcanic eruptions, which continued for millions of years. Later, the continent split from north to south to form the vast crack of the Great Rift Valley, stretching from Jordan to Mozambique. The newly formed mountains created rain shadows to their east and, as a result, the forests of the lower, hotter sections of the valley floor gradually began to disappear, to be replaced by savannah grasslands, the most recent of all major environmental changes.

With the arrival of the savannah, the apes inhabiting the fringes of the fast-vanishing forests were eventually forced to descend from their arboreal homes and emerge into the glare of the plains, where they learned to hunt and become omnivorous. Over vast stretches of time, these same apes evolved into our earliest ancestor, the hominid ape man, who in turn evolved into Homo erectus and, eventually, into Homo sapiens.

The Cradle of Mankind (6,500,000 BC - 50,000BC)
Known as the ‘Cradle of Mankind', Kenyan history dates back to the dawn of time when Homo erectus, Homo habilis and other species of early mankind roamed the area. The first conclusive signs of human prehistory came in the form of fossils, most of which were found by the Leakey family on the shores of Lake Turkana (Koobi Fora), and in the East African Rift Valley.

Early Settlers (50,000 BC - 500 AD)
From around 50,000 BC onwards, Kenya's early humans lived as ‘hunter-gatherers', learning how to make tools, communicate and use fire (remnant communities remain in the form of the Daholo, Boni, Sanye and Ndorobo). From 2000 BC onwards, the hunter-gatherers were joined by huge numbers of immigrant communities, who travelled to Kenya from all over the African continent. The earliest distinct migration was of Cushitic-speaking people from Ethiopia, then in the first few centuries AD came the Nilotic-speaking ancestors of the present day Kalenjin peoples, and from the west and south came the Bantu speakers, forebears of today's Kikuyu, Gusii, Akamba and Mijikenda peoples.

The Swahili Coast Develops (500 AD -1498)
Arab and Persian migrants started to arrive from 500 AD onwards and the Kenyan coast rapidly developed as a vital trans-Indian Ocean trade link. Trade rapidly expanded into the African interior, where goods were exchanged for ivory and slaves.

The Arrival of Portuguese Rule (1498-1698)
The Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama landed in Malindi in1498, and the Portuguese subsequently ruled the coast for two centuries of economic and religious oppression, building Mombasa's Fort Jesus as their military headquarters in 1593.

Omani Domination (1698-1837)
In 1696 the Omani Sultans challenged Portuguese rule and in 1698 Fort Jesus fell. The Swahili coast then came under the rule of Muscat until 1837 when the Omanis were finally defeated by the British and the Germans.

European Exploration of Kenya (1844-92)
In 1844, two German missionaries, Johann Ludwig Krapf and Johannes Rebmann, became the first Europeans to venture into the Kenyan interior. They were followed by Richard Burton and John Speke; and Dr David Livingstone and Henry Stanley, all of whom came to Kenya in search of the source of the Nile. Joseph Thomson broke into new territory in 1882 and he inspired James Hannington, who discovered Lake Bogoria, and Count Samuel Teleki and Ludwig von Hohnel, who discovered Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana). This era generally marked the beginning of Kenya's safari history and birthed the Kenya safari.

The Partition of East Africa (1856-91)
British interests in East Africa climaxed at the end of the European power struggle known as the ‘Scramble for Africa', and in 1885 construction began on the Mombasa to Uganda railway (completed in 1901), which was dubbed the ‘Lunatic Express' in reference to a satirical poem published in the London magazine ‘Truth', in 1895.

What it will cost no words can express
What is its object no brain can suppose;
Where it will start from no one can guess;
Where it is going to nobody knows;
What is the use of it none can conjecture;
What it will carry there's none can define;
And in spite of George Curzon's superior lecture,
It clearly is naught but a lunatic line.

Henry Labouchere

In 1895 Kenya was proclaimed the British East Africa Protectorate and by 1896 the first British settlers had arrived. Schemes were then introduced allowing landless aristocrats, middle-class adventurers, big-game hunters, ex-servicemen and Afrikaners to buy land at advantageous rates.

Word War 1
By 1916 the Europeans had re-appropriated most of Kenya's farming land and discontent between the settlers and Kenyans began. In 1920 the British East Africa Protectorate became the Kenya Colony . During World War I, one in four of the 200,000 African porters and soldiers conscripted into the King's African Rifles died; those who returned were deeply influenced by the experience. Political associations began to spring up and by 1921 there were numerous protests and rallies calling for an end to colonial rule.

Word War II
During World War II the King's African Rifles fought bravely in Ethiopia and Burma but returned to Kenya to find that while land was being awarded to British soldiers in recognition of their services, it was not being awarded to African soldiers; this considerably deepened the simmering discontent. Postwar African politics stepped up the pressure for independence with the formation of the Kenya African Union, which was headed by Jomo Kenyatta in

The Mau Mau Rebellion
Rising discontent culminated in the largely Kikuyu-led Mau Mau rebellion against British rule. In 1952 the British government declared a state of emergency and thousands of British troops were sent to Kenya. A fierce guerilla war was fought and thousands of Kenyans were detained in concentration camps. The rebellion was finally quashed in 1956 with the capture of Dedan Kimathi, Commander in Chief of the Land and Freedom Army.

Independence 1963
By 1960 the ‘wind of change' had begun to blow through Africa causing Britain to rapidly lose the stomach for colonialism. The conservative government made the decision to pull out of Africa, and preparations for Kenyan independence began. On Madaraka day June 1st 1963, Jomo Kenyatta became Kenya's first prime minister and on December 12th, 1964 Kenya became a republic. From then on, Kenya was viewed internationally as a model of stability and democracy, and with the blossoming of a vibrant tourist industry; the country seemed set for a bright and positive future.

1978 Death of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
In 1978 Mzee Jomo Kenyatta died, much to the surprise of the Kenyan people, who were overtaken by a nationwide outpouring of grief. Kenya's vice president, Daniel Arap Moi, smoothly assumed power and introduced a philosophy called ‘Nyayo' (footsteps), which perpetuated Jomo Kenyatta's vision of ‘Harambee ' (lets all pull together). Essentially a one-party state since 1964, (and officially declared a one-party state in 1987 with the Kenya African National Union KANU as the only party), by the end of the 1980s Kenyans had become disenchanted with one-party rule and demands for multi-party democracy began. It was not until 1991, however, that President Moi acceded to internal and external pressure for political liberalization and agreed for elections to be held in 1992 and 1997, both of which were marred by violence and failed to dislodge the ruling KANU party. In 2002 an opposition coalition called The National Alliance and Rainbow Alliance won a landslide victory over Kanu and President Moi gracefully conceded defeat. Mwai Kibaki was sworn in as president and the National and Rainbow alliances were merged to form the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC). The people were euphoric, there was dancing in the streets and it was thought that a new era in Kenyan politics had dawned. The NARC coalition splintered in 2005 over the constitutional review process. Government defectors joined with KANU to form a new opposition coalition, the Orange Democratic Movement, which defeated the government's draft constitution in a popular referendum in November 2005.

Government and Politics
Kenya is governed under the constitution adopted at independence in 1963, when Jomo Kenyatta became its first Prime Minister. Amendments enacted in 1964 made the country a Republic, with a president and a cabinet. The president is elected for a 5-year term as both the head of state and head of government. Kenya's form of government is based on the British parliamentary model with a national assembly (the legislature) made up of 210 directly elected members plus 12 members who are nominated by the president, and the speaker and attorney general as ex-officio members. Multi-party elections were first staged in 1992. Voters vote separately for a presidential candidate and an MP. The presidential candidate with the most votes nationally (who must also win 25% or more of the vote in at least 5 of Kenya's 7 provinces and one area - to avoid a run-off) is invited to form a government, even if his or her party does not have a majority of MPs. A vice president and a cabinet are appointed, by the president, from members of the national assembly. Kenya is divided into one area (Nairobi) and 7 administrative provinces: Central, Coast, Eastern, North Eastern, Nyanza, Rift Valley, and Western.

Kenya in the 21st century
Economically Kenya has come a long way since Independence. The regional hub for finance, trade and travel in East Africa, she is also the world's top exporter of roses and vies with Sri Lanka to be the world's 2nd largest grower of tea after India. The Kenyan economy, however, remains dominated by exports of agricultural and horticultural products, which earn over 50% of foreign exchange and employ about 75% of the labour force. Economic development also remains dependent on a mix of foreign aid, grants and loans; and is hampered by a population that is four times as large as it was forty years ago; resulting in ever-expanding towns, unwieldy bureaucracy, minimum wage rises that fail to keep up with inflation, and parastatal organizations which remain resistant to change. Income is also poorly distributed; the top 10% of the population earning 48% of the income while half a million school leavers per annum compete for around 70,000 new jobs. As a result it is estimated that half the Kenyan population remains below the poverty line.

Jua kali and ‘self help'
The good news is that despite her problems, Kenya has developed a flourishing informal sector, which is known as the Jua Kali sector. Literally translated ‘Jua Kali' means ‘hot sun', and refers to the roadside artisans who run small businesses such as welding, mechanical work, woodwork or plant nurseries. Another area of healthy economic and social growth is in the so-called ‘self help' sector. Often run by groups of women who get together to knit, sew, weave, bead or carry out other forms of traditional handicrafts, these groups are unique in that they not only generate income but also provide a much-needed social support network for the women involved, who can start small businesses and pay for the education of their children.

Multi-party Democracy - A Rocky Road
Politically the last one and a half decades have seen a dramatic shift from the formal one party state to a multi-party system; this has not, however, been accompanied by any significant improvement in government accountability or rule of law. On the contrary the international reputation the country enjoyed in the 1960s and 1970s has been steadily eroded by repeated instances of corruption and under-investment in infrastructure.

Kenya on the World Stage
Amongst her African neighbours, Kenya is viewed as a stable, peaceable and balanced nation, and she consequently enjoys good neighbourly relations throughout the region. Kenyan leaders regularly act as mediators in Pan-African disputes, and a number of major peace initiatives have been launched and hosted by Kenya, particularly those attempting to broker peace in Sudan and Somalia. Kenya provides shelter to approximately a quarter of a million refugees. Kenya is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the African Union.

Kenya Travel Information

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